Colour Wheel with Lemon Yellow, Verizon Violet and Cerulean Blue

Colour Wheel with Lemon Yellow, Verizon Violet and Cerulean Blue

Yellow: Winsor Lemon, PY175 – Benzimidazolone yellow , Winsor&Newton Artist 211.
Red: Verizon Violet, PR122 – Quinacridone, MaimeriBlu 437 (equivalent to Alirazin Crimson of other brands). 
Blue: Cerulean Blue, PB36 – Cobalt Aluminum and Chromium Oxides, MaimeriBlu 368. 
Paper: Hahne rough 220 gsm
For making the tonalities of each colour and mix, first lay on a thin wash, on all four central boxes, then glaze it darker and darker, allow it to dry in between.

For making the black in the middle, use a lot of blue, some red, and add a dash of yellow.

The outer circle is showing the shadow colours. For making these, add a dash of the the complimentary color on the opposite side of the circle of the colour you are working with. 

Useful URL: has a great a video tutorial on how to make a colour wheel.