Colored pencils vs watercolor on a gessoed book page. Decorating a poem by Emily Dickinson

A poem by Emily Dickinson put on paper.

The surface is small thin book pages that I have put an uneven coat of gesso on.

I tried with different materials.

I wrote with a steel nib, and with a tombow fudenosuke pen. Both worked OK, but I prefer the steel nib for precision. The uneven surface was not a problem.

I stamped some roses on the pages. I realized I did not like the stamp, but that is beside the point, I just wanted an outline to color. I first used oil based colored pencils that I put a coat of gamsol on to smooth it out. It felt unnecessarily fiddly. Then I tried some watercolors, and that was more to my liking process-wise.

I think that I’ll try a combo later- to put a base layer of watercolor first, and then if I need detail and contrast I could use sharpened color pencils for that.

The two on top are colored with watercolor. The bottom ones are colored with pencils.