ARDIN Folder

Detail from the ARDIN Folder

I made a folder inspired from the ICIDS 2018 conference, using an A4 office folder, memorabilia, and acrylic paint.

AF1 - I covered an a4 office folder with Gesso
Step 1. I covered an a4 office folder with Gesso
AF2 I glued memorabilia and added acrylic paint
Step 2 I glued memorabilia and added acrylic paint
AF3 I added more paint,  outlined library lines (Trinity)
Step 3: I added more paint, outlined library lines. (Book of Kells Library, Trinity, Dublin)

AF4 - Done!  I added more acrylic paint , using stencils, brushes and fingers.
Step 4. AF4 – I added more acrylic paint , using stencils, brushes and fingers.

At this point I considered it done, and let it dry. Then, I varnished it, let it dry again, and later gifted it. I intended it to be used as a folder for papers. With the varnish, it should be durable enough.
Obs that the composition is for a front (to the right) and for the back (the left bit) and that the leftmost flap needs to sync with the front. (Since it is an A4 folder that is being folded, the picture shows it all folded out).