A plan for combining daily sketching with a common place book

I am trying to find a way to get back into my habit of sketching daily, and I want to combine it with a record of things I want to remember.

My current plan is to jot down a list of topics to record as they come along- interesting talks, books, things I have learned to do, etc, into a list. Then, each morning I would pick a topic from the list, and make a quick sketch. Later on (same day if possible) I could integrate the sketch into a collage in a common place book.

I have been obsessing about collages for months, and looking at YouTube videos of people showing their processes, and I have gathered scraps I could use when collaging. Recently I took a Skillshare class by DylanM, and I really like the process she taught on how to work from prompts.  (Here is a video where I flip through the drawings I made when taking her class: https://youtu.be/z6RIN16ILAI)

My idea now is to combine a daily sketching habit with collaging into a common place book, and rather do it “quick and dirty’ than trying to make it nice or perfect. Given that I have so little time for it, I need to know that it is enough to carve out 15 minutes for this each day – else it won’t happen at all.

For now, I will make the collages on separate pieces of paper that I can gather with discs. The mere thought of dedicating a bound book to the project gives me the creeps, because I am afraid to miscategorize things – can’t categorise what doesn’t yet exist.
